Since we had an extra day off this weekend, we got a truck from Philly Car Share, and headed down to Baltimore to an architectural salvage store. With 5 warehouses of stuff we came back with a 15 panel door, a claw foot tub, slab of marble and few other small items for the house. The salvage place was well worth the drive. We are making progress, and you can see Bryan working on getting the tub all clean! The tub also has really ornate feet, which was one of my criteria. They are different on the front and the back so that the tub drains properly they are shorter in the front. You can also see Bryan's golf clubs sitting longingly in the living room. He has made it a few times to the driving range, but mine are still in the basement. Maybe next weekend.....

Hi guys,
My name is Shawn and my wife and I are also remodeling our home in Philly (Northern Liberties area). Where's this place in Baltimore that you're talking about? It sounds like it is worth the drive. Have you been to Re-Store in Port Richmond? If so, how does it compare?
Thanks! And, best of luck!
The place we went in Baltimore was called Second Chance antiques. It is right at the base of the Ravens stadium. It was amazing and about 5 times as big as Re-Store, or Provance on Fairmount here in Philly. Well worth the drive. The place is also a non-profit and gives people jobs, and job training in the architectural salvage business. So the prices were quite reasonable. http://www.secondchanceinc.org/
Check it out!
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