Well well...here we are. It's week 6 into our 4 week schedule, and we're just moving along. The picture on the left is from our new bathroom "picture" window that was installed today (you might have seen the hole in a previous post). In the past few days, there has been more drywall added, and drywall removed, and some tense moments over window sizes. But seeing as how I've turned into the complete optimist in the house, we soldier on.
Today the guys (sans drywall crew) finished the install of all five windows in the third floor. As you can see here the this picture, the back of the floor is really just three windows

We've also captured the relaxing ambiance that only our current bathroom work can give you. I call it "East Coast Tornado Chic" and will be consulting on the weekends for anyone else that is interested in this look. Our services are for hire, as we have to pay for all this somehow! Here is a view of the

Did you spot Waldo?
With the new picture window in you can sort of

Lastly we've included a shot of the windows in the bedroom. I guess it's included as a moral victory for us in that all 5 windows are in!!! Sorry for the dark picture, the stupid sun was stupidly shining into the room. It looks dark, but in reality the whole floor is full of light with all the new windows.

That's it for now. We're officially really off schedule as the drywall crew hit some snags and so they'll take longer than planned. Unheard of! We're hoping the stucco can start in about a week in the back of the house once the windows are finished. And lastly I get to rent a PAINT SPRAYER and paint the entire third floor in the next couple of weeks. Unless we sucker our out of town guests into painting. Hopefully before the hardwoods are finished, but at this point who knows.
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