So the drywall guys showed up today to perform an exorcism as well as fix the brakes on our car. Ok, maybe not the brakes part, but I can hope right?
So all horrible attempts at bad jokes aside, you can see the beginnings of drywall is up on the ceiling in the main parts of both the bathroom and the bedroom. I'll refrain from overstating (more then 3 times) how big of a deal this is to us. After a year working up there doing various things, there is DRYWALL!!! THE END IS NEAR (says the crazy guy on the couch with a cat on his lap)!!!
We also had our birch hardwood floors delivered today, and I will skip the nonsense that was. Anyway, I'm going to take this chance to show off our workshop/living room as it was not but 25 minutes ago.
It's turned into a convenient storage space for 175 sq feet of our old hardwood floors, the endless boxes of tile, my random tools, and the new bundles of hardwoods. You get the luxurious experience at night of walking bare foot through the space with the plaster and bricks bits scattered everywhere. It's really how every living room was meant to be used, Martha Stewart be damned.
Yesterday our contractor created the hole in the back wall for the new (and surprisingly large) window that will be next to the tub. You can see it in it's current state in the two pics (click on them for the larger image).
- Bryan
So....which cat is on your lap? Looking good! Since I have zero ability to visualize anything....with the drywall I can start to see the rooms.
Bing of course. Marco is hiding somewhere in the house, and I'm pretty terrified that he's going to end up out that open 'window'. I'll post another update (of course) in the next couple of days when the place really looks like something.
- Bryan
w00t! Congrats on further progress. Our dining room sounds a lot like your living room (i.e., tool and materials storage).
And more cat pictures! The one I found of Bing reminds me of our cat Rosie doing some investigating during the remodel.
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